

发布时间:2018-12-19 14:42:53 来源:常州朗阁培训中心 编辑:朗阁小编
  常州托福辅导班哪里好?  常州托福辅导班哪里好?常州朗阁托福是常州专业的托福教学机构,拥有专业的名师团队,实用的内部教材,班级设
  One of your good friends has just gotten one achievement he is longing for, and he is about to celebrate it. From your perspective, as his good friend, how would you help your friend celebrate his achievement?
  Sample Response
  If my good friend has worked hard for an achievement, I think giving him a photo album about the event would be a great way to celebrate.
  A photo album is a special gift that marks the occasion. However, it is not something that goes away, such as flowers that die or food that is eaten. Instead, he can keep the book and enjoy the memories of the event.
  Plus, a photo album lets him know I recognize the time that he invested. If the pictures include the steps he took to get to his achievement, he will know that I appreciate his effort.
  A photo album is therefore a great way to mark the occasion, remember the event, and also show that I understand the things he went through to reach his goal.
  常州朗阁寒假班热招中,报名送考试险+2080机经班,团报低至75折,12月22日-25日 上门即送圣诞抱枕,报名抢恐龙园圣诞门票或星巴克圣诞杯,具体详情可点击在线咨询或拨打电话15312036275

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  • 计划学习时间: 1-3月 4-6月 下半年 寒暑假 还没有明确计划
  • 英语程度: 初高中 四六级 六级以上
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